在冰碛谷提供的工程路径计划是一个明智的和经济有效的方式,以保证转入伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校工程学院. 这个竞争性项目是为计划在毕业后的秋季学期首次注册大学的高中毕业生设计的.

典型的申请者在高中时大部分成绩都是A,在大四的时候理科和数学课程表现优异. Students who are female, low-income, first-generation, 和/或来自代表性不足的民族的学生被鼓励申请.

Upcoming Engineering Program Information Sessions:


  1. Complete the Moraine Valley Admission Application and obtain your Moraine Valley student ID number. 一定要在你的冰碛谷入学申请中选择AES(工程科学副学士).
  2. 工程途径的申请者必须完成有监考的ALEKS数学分班考试. 格兰杰工程学院(Grainger College of Engineering)的综合门槛是76分(满分100分).

ALEKS has Prep & 学习工具,以帮助学生谁可能想要提高他们的分数.  To take full advantage of this tool, applicants should take the first ALEKS placement test soon after they have their ACT or SAT results; sometime in September of their senior year at the latest.

有关学院的考试服务和考试中心的信息可以找到 here. 您可以联系考试中心(708-974-5309)安排监考考试.

To meet the April 5, 2025, Engineering Pathways application deadline, 建议不迟于3月5日完成ALEKS的安置过程, 2025.

  1. Submit the Engineering Pathways application (available mid-January).

你将需要你的冰碛谷学生身份证号码来完成工程途径的申请. 如果你还没有申请冰碛谷,请填妥 Admission Application.

如果您对课程或申请流程有疑问,请发送至 epinfo@herbalifa.com.


Program Benefits

  • Guaranteed admission into the Grainger College of Engineering at UIUC as a junior
  • Moraine Valley tuition and fees for the first two years - save over $30,000 on your UIUC Engineering degree!
  • Welcome Activity at UIUC
  • 丰富活动-在UIUC校园进行为期一周的研究体验
  • 衔接伊利诺伊大学教育经历——在你在冰碛谷的时间和你在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校的第一学期之间,在伊利诺伊大学香槟分校上课
  • 有机会参加UIUC工程学院詹姆斯学者荣誉项目
  • Internships
  • Career development opportunities
  • 有机会参加STEM竞赛和与工程相关的活动





Final decisions regarding admission, continuation, 在项目中的地位取决于项目审查委员会.

学生可以在任何时候终止参加该计划. Re-admission to the program is not allowed.

Profile of a Typical Engineering Pathways Program Applicant
• Earn mostly A’s in high school courses.
• Excel in advanced math and science courses in senior year.
• Competitive ACT or SAT scores (composite and subject areas).
•参与项目领导或设计工程等活动, First Robotics competitions, scout STEM programs, or any engineering-related summer jobs or  internships.

• Strive to earn A’s.


James Scholar Honors Program

完成工程途径的学生有资格参加詹姆斯学者荣誉计划. The program gives them access to honors courses, faculty advisors, and one of the earliest time tickets for future registration. 符合条件的学生需要在格兰杰工程学院大三的第一学期提交一份荣誉合同.

3.5 or above final GPA: Admission to James Scholar Honors Program




  • Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior or Graduate
  • 该字段用于验证目的,应该保持不变.