一个一个.A.S degree in 刑事司法 can help you improve the quality of life in your community, 给你一个让你引以为傲的事业. Get introduced to essential concepts and acquire valuable knowledge that will aid you in your career within the criminal justice system. 冰碛谷的项目为学生的入门级职业生涯做准备, 包括警务工作, 法庭和惩教所.

Moraine Valley additionally offers three supplemental certificate programs that include, 应急管理, 国土安全, 安全与防损.





刑事司法培训提供了广泛的职业选择, 就业机会遍及全国. 一些常见的职业选择包括:

  • 警察
  • 安全官
  • 缓刑监督官
  • 狱警
  • 保险调查员
  • 网络安全调查员
  • 科技证据

从2021年到2031年,警察和侦探的就业预计将增长3%. The continued need for public safety is expected to lead to new openings for officers, 尽管需求可能因地点而异.

来源: U.S. 美国劳工部劳工统计局

本证书是为取得A的学生设计的.A.S. in 刑事司法 who wish to gain the understanding and experience needed to plan and respond to natural or manmade disasters. 通过建立教育基础知识来学习多种方法, 通过结构化学习实现专业发展, 以及准备的基本责任, 领导, 和规划. Enhance your skill set and become more marketable in the workforce with the 应急管理证书. 


  1. 强调角色 & 事故指挥系统透过紧急应变准备的责任.
  2. 公司rease strategic planning initiatives to foster community and organizational resiliency.
  3. 影响机构间合作, 强调通过公共安全进行应急管理和领导.
  4. 在公共安全中嵌入领导文化.
  5. 加强社区组织之间的有效沟通和领导.
  6. 动手实时培训与即时实际应用
  7. 培养社区主题专家之间的长期伙伴关系, 从业人员, 与院士通过理论与实践相结合的知识.


国土安全证书是为获得A的学生设计的.A.S. in 刑事司法 who want to enhance their skill set and become more marketable in the workforce.

Moraine Valley’s 国土安全证书 will give you a strong foundation in homeland security principles and allow you to compete more broadly for first responder and emergency planner positions. 我们的课程涵盖了应急管理系统的角色, including public health and private sector participants; legislation and civil liberties; intelligence gathering; risk assessment and prevention techniques; and counter-terrorism initiatives.

当地的, 州和联邦机构需要训练有素的人员提供指导, 在危机期间和危机之后. Corporations also need to protect their property and staff and plan for possible threats to their business. Therefore, people with specialized knowledge in public safety are likely to be in high demand. 这个证书会帮助你脱颖而出.

Consider earning an Emergency Preparedness 证书 along with your 国土安全证书 at Moraine Valley to master all aspects of crisis management and safety. “Stacking” these certificates can provide you with an excellent hiring advantage.


  1. 明确并讨论当地的政治问题, 政府组织, 法律问题, record keeping requirements and the future of FEMA in disaster and recovery functions
  2. Define NIMS levels 100 and 200 certifications and describe Blood-borne Pathogens Standards required by OSHA. 
  3. Identify and describe Biological and Chemical Hazards and discuss decontamination principals. 
  4. Develop plans utilizing best practices for Emergency management including Emergency Action Plans, 已定义的出口路线, 以及基本的疏散原则. 
  5. 讨论电气安全标准, 风险, 以及急救人员的呼吸防护要求. 
  6. Define and identify structures to provide safety and security to accommodate modern technology and communication equipment. 
  7. 讨论和制定减轻威胁的工作计划, 应对自然灾害, 以及潜在的大流行威胁. 
  8. 定义和讨论与国土安全相关的术语.


The 安全与防损 certificate is designed for students pursuing their A.A.S. in 刑事司法 who want to enhance their skill set and become more marketable in the workforce. 防损是安防行业不可或缺的一部分. 该证书课程旨在制定防止入店行窃的政策, 协调公众人物的安全, 守护贵重财产, 或者当保镖.

程序完成后,SECURITY & 防损学生将能够:

  1. Identify and describe the components of security services personnel and their role within the security services field.
  2. Explain and discuss the history and evolution of the various areas of security services.
  3. Explain and discuss the different processes in the collection and reporting of crime data in the United States.
  4. Explain the roles and functions of administrators in each component of the criminal justice system.
  5. Define terminology relevant to the criminal justice system and to the area of security services
  6. 确定与安全服务相关的各种法律后果.
  7. Identify and discuss personal safety as well the safety to others regarding the use of firearms
  8. Define and discuss the role of security personnel as they relate to law enforcement.

Moraine Valley is proud to be partners with the Cook County Sheriff Training Institute, 伊利诺斯州惩戒和东北多地区培训部门, 公司. For more information, please email Michael Espinoza at espinozam9@herbalifa.com.

If you’re looking for information regarding the Illinois Department of Corrections (IDOC), 请参考 这个文档 帮助你申请.

The 刑事司法 faculty have a wealth of knowledge and experience in both the classroom and the field. You will learn from a diverse group of individuals who are passionate about good teaching and ensuring high professional standards within the criminal justice field. 了解教师通过探索 程序目录列表






康纳·帕里什(橡树草坪), shared his educational journey while on a panel for the Illinois Project Lead the Way meeting.





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