冰碛谷的汽车技术项目提供你需要诊断和修理今天的车辆的实践培训.  我们的课程是由ASE教育基金会认证的汽车服务技术硕士(MAST). ASE教育是一个国家认可的认证组织和部门 National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE).

该计划允许您与经过ase认证的教师一起工作,他们将丰富的现实世界经验融入课堂和实验室. Faculty members are dedicated to helping students reach their career goals. 我们的教师努力使学习经验实用和有益的. 您将受益于他们的专业知识,专业精神和汽车行业的联系.


学院提供两个与汽车技术相关的应用科学副学士课程:汽车技术A.A.S. and Automotive 技术 A.A.S. 用Mopar MCAP Option.

The college offers MCAP, 这是一个全日制的学徒项目,课程结构与学院的通用汽车专业相似.A.S. 学位课程. MCAP的不同之处在于,它侧重于课程信息和使用克莱斯勒-道奇-吉普和公羊产品和程序的实践活动. 作为一名学生, 在实习期间,你还将在经批准的克莱斯勒-道奇-吉普和公羊经销商或克莱斯勒车队所在地担任初级技术员. Students completing the A.A.S. 具有MCAP选项的学位还将获得克莱斯勒集团颁发的证书.

Moraine Valley also offers the Nissan Technician Training Academy (NTTA), 该课程是为那些希望专注于日产和/或英菲尼迪汽车的课程信息和实践培训的学生设计的,为他们在日产或英菲尼迪经销商内工作做好准备.



的一个.A.S. 学位为汽车维修行业和许多相关的维修行业打开了许多大门和巨大的收入潜力, 太.

我们与南伊利诺伊大学和费里斯州立大学有学位协议. Moraine Valley Automotive 技术 A.A.S. 学位毕业生可以在南伊利诺伊大学或菲里斯州立大学完成两年以上的汽车技术学士学位.

从2021年到2031年,汽车服务技术人员和机械师的就业预计将增长1%. Job opportunities for qualified jobseekers should be very good.

来源: U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics


该课程为学生提供成为汽车技师所需的入门技能. 该计划发展必要的操作技能以及各种汽车系统的操作理论. Along with developing necessary job skills, 学生可以使用该证书作为部分满足a的要求.A.S. degree in automotive technology.


This program prepares the student for a career as an Automotive Service Advisor. 汽车服务顾问在新旧汽车经销店和大型汽车修理厂工作. They greet customers, listen to customer concerns or service requests, determine the type of service required, provide customers with repair estimates, help produce repair orders, notify customers when repairs have been completed, and follow up with customers to help ensure customer satisfaction.

This certificate program is designed to enhance your A.A.S. Automotive degree and make you more marketable to prospective employers. 准备在汽车服务行业的入门级职位,重点是汽车制动系统.

This certificate program is designed to enhance your A.A.S. 汽车技术学位,让你对未来的雇主更有吸引力. 准备在汽车服务行业的初级职位,重点是传动系统.

Gainful 就业 Disclosures – 2019

程序名: Drivetrain Technician - 证书

This program is designed to be completed in 8 months.

This program will cost $3,440 if completed within normal time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed.

Of the students who completed this program within normal time, the typical graduate leaves with N/A* of debt.

*Fewer than 10 students completed this program within normal time. This number has been withheld to preserve the confidentiality of the students.


For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, 有关本校及其他大专院校的入读后收入,请按此: http://collegescorecard.ed.gov/

This certificate program is designed to enhance your A.A.S. Automotive Degree and make you more marketable to prospective employers. 为汽车服务行业的入门级职位做好准备,重点关注驾驶性能.


Get to know the many talented instructors at Moraine Valley. 

Career Connections Program

This program qualifies for up to $8,000 in tuition assistance.


Automotive 技术 A.A.S. 用Mopar MCAP

的一个utomotive 技术 A.A.S. MCAP学位是为那些希望专注于课程信息和使用克莱斯勒道奇吉普和公羊产品和程序的实践活动的学生设计的.


Nissan/Infiniti Technician Training Academy



程序名Type of Credential课程代码Department or Division
Automotive Service Technician证书1237Mechanical Technologies
Automotive Service Advisor证书1477Mechanical Technologies
Automotive 技术A.A.S.1277Mechanical Technologies
Brake and Chassis Technician证书1461Mechanical Technologies
Drivetrain Technician证书1464Mechanical Technologies
Engine Driveability Technician证书1463Mechanical Technologies



Start your admission application

Konnor Parrish (Oak Lawn), 在伊利诺伊州项目领导会议的小组讨论中分享了他的教育之旅.


Search available scholarships


Contact the program coordinator Ira Siegel.

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